News & Events


ADMIN Training 2019 Underscores Quality

This year’s annual administrative training seminar focused on quality standards in the light of management systems across departments dubbed as “Quality Management for Quality Assurance towards Quality Olivarez College of the 21st Century” held on May 27-28 at Conference Hall, 2nd Floor PRO Bldg, Olivarez College.

The orientation on Institutional Prospects and Strategic Directions and Administrative Policies and Standards was done by Dr. Eric L. Olivarez, Vice President for Academics and Services.

Dr. Elmer B. de Leon, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs facilitated the management sessions and workshop on “Policy Formulation and Analysis for Quality Management: Perspective, Process and Practice”.

The training was highlighted with the orientation on Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA) conducted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Office of Quality Assurance led by Ms. Rita P. Sescar, Supervising Educational Program Specialist.